Thursday, 5 March 2015

Currently... March

I have been following Anne in residence for a while.  When I came across the 'Currently..' link-up for the first time, I had no idea what to expect really... But after reading one post, I start to look for more, and some more... I even interviewed my hubby about these questions (although his answers are very boring...)!!

So I am currently....

Dreaming: of a glass wine, and of my summer holiday back to Taiwan, and possibly a summer holiday in Venice too.  Yes, I am very much looking forward to my summer holidays.

Da Hu Park in Nei-Hu, Taipei - the park near my parents' house

Planning: for summer holidays! I've booked/paid for the plane to Taiwan and I am starting to make plans about where to visit, what to do etc. My mother is coming over with us in the return flight, to stay for 6 weeks. Meanwhile, hubby and I  are planning to go to Venice again for the Biennale 2015, but we haven't really decided on the dates. Since my mother is coming over, I am wondering whether to take her to Venice as a treat (and as a baby-sitter when we sneak out for a romantic date!)


Making: lists and lists - to do lists in Taiwan; to eat lists in Taiwan (Bubble Milk Tea every day!); shopping lists for going back to Taiwan; shopping lists for bringing back to the UK; what to pack for myself and for the little one...

50 Lan, a famous Bubble Milk Tea Shop

Watching: Korean romantic drama, Kill Me Heal Me. This is the only drama I am watching at the moment and in recent weeks. I need more Korean dramas to watch....


AA xxx


  1. Your summer sounds sooo fun!! Love how excited you are for it!

    1. Ha : )
      I actually didn't realise how excited I have been until I was writing the lists I am making at the moment! - very looking forward to the summer.

  2. They're really kind of fun to write, right? Your summer travels sound so great - trip planning makes me into a serious list maker too. Thanks so much for joining in the linkup!

    1. Definitely a fun thing to think, write down and share... Thanks for the starting the link-ups : )
